Zero Inbox Tip

Zero Inbox Tip: How To Add An RSS Feeder To Your Browser


An empty mailbox can either mean one of two things: either everyone has forgot you or it can mean a beautiful thing  –  you’ve answered all your correspondence and paid your bills and you can kick back and use your time for other things.

Today we get more email usually than we get snail mail.  And with email, getting your inbox empty can become an overwhelming task.  So today I’m going to offer a helpful tip to get some of that necessary but overwhelming email out of your inbox:  Convert what you can by signing up for RSS feeds instead of email subscriptions.  And then install an RSS feed reader in your browser.

1) First off, take stock of the email you now get.  How many of those are email subscribes?  Do they offer an RSS feed alternative?  If so, convert by signing up for the RSS and cancel your email subs.

2) After you have done that, its time to get an RSS Feed Reader installed or opt for a service.  For today’s purposes, I’m going to take you through the first option and we’re going to install the reader right in your browser.  For today’s tutorial  I’m going to use Chrome for my browser.  Its got a lot of advantages over FireFox and IE as regards speed and its security is good for the most part.  It’s really a bit more than just a browser.  It actually operates like an OS for the web.

So, make sure you have Chrome installed.  Next, we want to take a trip to the Chrome Web Store. Specifically, we’re going to get their RSS Feed Reader and install it.


Click the green button and follow the install instructions (you may have to restart Chrome) and when you bring Chrome back up, you should see the following:


Now you’re set to start adding your RSS feeds.  Click the orange feed reader icon (see pic above) and watch the pop up dialog appear.  Click on the ‘+’ sign in the upper right- hand corner to add your feed.



The feed URL may vary in the way it is configured but most will look like the above.  Where do you find this feed?  Most websites have the RSS icon somewhere on there site.   Right-click it and copy the URL like below.


Now you have added the feed, its time to read! Click on the feed name and the new posts will expand underneath.  Just click on the one you want to read and voila! It takes you right to that page.


Also, for those of you who use Google Reader and are worried now that its going away, there’s a nice little option of importing your Google Reader stuff and pushing it to Feeder.


There you have it: how to add an RSS feed reader  and RSS feed to your browser and empty some of the clutter from your inbox!  Stay tuned for more tips on how you can get your inbox down to zero in no time.

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MelanieZero Inbox Tip: How To Add An RSS Feeder To Your Browser
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